
Welcome to the ETV on-line registration! This will begin the process of you possibly receiving up to $5000 to assist you with your college education. If you have not already registered, please fill out the following information. You will then be assigned a PIN number that you can use to login and apply online.

Basic Information
First Name Last Name
SSN (###-##-####) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Gender Race
Home Phone Cell Phone

E-Mail Address
Current Address
State Zip

County of Foster Care Case Case #
JJ Case Only Placement
Are you an Undocumented Refugee Minor (URM)?
Case Worker's First Name  Last Name
Case Worker's Phone Number x
How did you become aware of this program?

School Information
School Name
Application Year Student ID #

After you register, you will receive an email with your PIN number and be redirected to the application login page. (If you have not received your PIN number at the email address entered above within 24 hours, please contact the Michigan ETV office.) You have not applied until you have created and submitted an application.